Get In Touch
Manilow Music Project
9696 Culver Blvd. #105
Culver City, CA 90232
Frequently Asked Questions
I have an instrument I’d like to donate. How can I do that?
That’s fantastic! Thank you for your generosity! The best way we have found to get instrument donations into the schools is direct contact. Meaning, you can call up your local high, middle or elementary public school and ask to speak to the music teacher. If they aren’t available to come to the phone, ask for their e-mail address. If you send them an e-mail with information on the instrument(s) you would like to donate they will likely be over the moon! They may even be able to help you coordinate pick-up. If for whatever reason the teacher is not in need of the instrument at this time ask them to refer you to another teacher who could use it. Thank you again so much for your kind donation and thank you most of all for helping us to keep music alive in our public schools!
My school/child/district is in need. How do I apply for assistance?
Click here
Do you send tax donation forms for my Platinum and/or donation?
When you buy a Platinum package you can present your receipt to your personal tax consultant and let them know that the Manilow Music Project is a charity under the Charity Works name. Our Federal Tax ID #Federal Tax ID #91-1830363. For monetary donations, via credit card, you will receive an automatic e-mail receipt which you can present to your personal tax consultant. For monetary donations via check, we will mail you a donation acknowledgment which you can present to your personal tax consultant.
I want to discuss a collaboration with Barry and the MMP. How can we set that up?
We are always working hard to grow the Manilow Music Project…. Barry is extremely involved even with his busy schedule. Could you give us some more detail on what you are referring to?
Email Us

Manilow Music Project
9696 Culver Blvd. #105
Culver City, CA 90232
The Manilow Music Project and The Manilow Fund For Health and Hope are dbas of Charity Works, a national 501(c)(3) organization. EIN 91-1830363.