In each city of his tour, one lucky winner will be selected to receive a $10,000 grant from the Manilow Music Project.
Up to ten high schools in each tour city submit the names of their favorite music teachers and then vote to select the winner. The winning high school receives $5000 in new band instruments for their high school band and the winning teacher receives another $5000 to be spent as they direct.
The cities and teacher award winners on the current schedule are:
St. Louis, MO; Melissa Gustafson-Hinds
Indianapolis, IN; John Marque
Chicago, IL; Bernie Gerstmayr
Green Bay, WI; Ashley Siegrist
Omaha, NE; Hiltje Peitz
Des Moines, IA; Scott Hook
St. Paul, MN; Daniel Perelstein
Milwaukee, WI; Alex St. Louis
San Antonio, TX; Bruce Adams
Sugarland, TX; Michael Isadore
Oklahoma City, OK; Jason Morgan
Austin, TX; Jason Hairston
Corpus Christi, TX; Shawn Athey
Ft. Worth, TX; Reginald Young
Tulsa, OK; Liza Villarreal
Springfield, MO; Emily Witt
Kansas City, MO; Jeffrey Smikahl
Manilow launched the Manilow Music Project in response to a friend’s request for a saxophone for his high school daughter. Manilow was surprised to discover that most public schools had suffered considerable budget cuts in their school music programs and that high school music teachers were taking part time jobs just to raise the money to buy new drum sticks or a used trumpet so kids could play in the band. With no staff and all volunteers from the community and Manilow’s management company, the Manilow Music Project has gifted more than $10 million in instruments and scholarships to primarily high school music students throughout the United States.
Donate now to help the Manilow Music Project bring music education into classrooms.